Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Purse with lining

I finished this purse for another custom order, I loved the big black flower :)  I lined the purse with 100% cotton polka dot.  I also added a pocket because a purse always needs pockets!  Lining the purse was actually really fun!  I was really scared of the project because I thought I would slaughter the project, but I think it turned out pretty good :) I believe my sewing machine deserves the credit.  It's an old bernina that I think will probably last until Penny is a grandma!  It's the most amazing machine, and
I'm so blessed to have it.  THANKS MOM!


contact me to order

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Pretty Baby Slippers

I made these slippers for Penny and she LOVES to wear them around the house.  She brings them to me and says "Shoes! Shoes!"  They are so comfy for her!  These as well as my other items can definitely be customized.  I can do a flower instead of a bow, or I can do buttons for boys. I can also offset whatever accessory is chosen so it's on the side instead of the middle :)

0-3 months - toddler
contact me to order

Warning: Slight Baby Nudity

Penny has begun taking her diaper off.  She also loves playing dress up.  One morning I came into the living room to find her watching her Sesame Street in this attire :) Haha! She likes to put her pants on by herself but she doesn't like them pulled up all the way. She gets mad unless I let her walk around with her pants like so! Of course, she's usually wearing a diaper, but needless to say, she's going to be a Diva!

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

U of U hats!

Here is a custom order I did for some Ute fans! Matching Mother-daughter hats to wear to the football games!

disclaimer: I claim no loyalty to either U of U or BYU.  I am now and forever more neutral.


$18  for 0-6 months through Toddler
$23 for Small and Large

contact me to order